EuroSkills 2020 builds on support from the Federal Guild of Construction
One of the latest Bronze sponsors to join EuroSkills 2020 is the Austrian Federal Guild of Construction (Bundesinnung Bau), which is part of the Austrian Economic Chamber. The organisation, which represents around 11,000 Austrian building contractors, is supporting two skill competitions: Bricklaying and Concrete Construction.
The Federal Guild of Construction not only advocates for companies in the building trade through its various activities, but also endeavours to inspire more young people to pursue one of the six construction industry apprenticeship schemes through its apprenticeship campaign “Building Your Future”. Whether you’re interested in training as a civil engineer or would rather be apprenticed as a structural engineering assistant, the career opportunities are many and varied, and Austrian companies are always on the lookout for talented young people to join them. The “Building Apprenticeship 2020” initiative has not only resulted in apprenticeships in the construction industry being redesigned and made more attractive in terms of content, but has also seen the introduction of digital learning methods (including free tablets for apprentices to help them prepare for their final examinations).
Guild Master Hans-Werner Frömmel explains why the Austrian Federal Guild of Construction has joined EuroSkills 2020 as a Bronze sponsor: “The Austrian construction industry needs the best new talent and invests a great deal in training within the country. And it pays off: skilled construction workers in Austria are among the best in the world, and in the last 10 years have brought home five medals — four golds and a silver — from five EuroSkills competitions. As a result, we have only good memories of EuroSkills and are looking forward to the event taking place in Austria this year. All of which means there was never any doubt that we would be supporting this competition.”
We would like to thank the Guild for its invaluable support. We are Skills!

The two skills Bricklaying and Concrete Construction are particularly supported by the Federal Guild of Construction. Photo: EuroSkills 2020/Kanizaj.