Please support EuroSkills 2021 according to hygiene measures! Knowing that this is particularly difficult with this event format, as both young people and adults celebrate emotional successes and in a rather exuberant manner, we ask all visitors for their contribution and to deal with this exceptional situation respectfully. Please note, that entrance to the Competition and Side Event venues is only allowed with either a proof of Covid-19 vaccination or a negative test result. Wearing your mask at all public places is recommended. Please note that only KN95/FFP2 masks are accepted! Minimise physical interactions as much as you can. Regular hand washing and disinfecting hands is mandatory. Objects and surfaces should only be touched if actually necessary (open doors, etc.). Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
Please see the COVID-19 Guidelines in detail as follows. For any update on COVID-19 prevention measures applicable please regularly check our website.

Covid-19 Testing for international visitors:
Access to the Competition venue is managed by a 3G regulation. As an international visitor you are expected to present a certificate confirming your vaccination (applies to vaccines certified and approved in the European Union), negative test result or proof of past infections.
International visitors cannot be tested at the Competition venue. Testing can be done at the testing facilities in the city, e.g. pharmacies. EuroSkills has secured a special rate at “Bahnhof Apotheke” for EuroSkills 2021 international visitors, meaning you can get tested with a rapid- (antigen) or PCR-test with discount.
For PCR or group testing of any kind, pre-registration is required. Please use the codeword Euroskills Family at Bahnhof Apotheke in order to benefit from the discount.
Testing facilities other than Bahnhof Apotheke are not included in the special rate (discount), i.e. you have to pay the usual price.
Austrian pharmacies also sell FFP2 masks at a cheap price!
Bahnhof Apotheke
Keplerstraße 112
A-8020 Graz, Austria
Kontakt | Bahnhof Apotheke Graz (
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 08:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Saturday: 08:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others. To prevent the spread of Covid-19 germs, you should also wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands especially before and after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as well as before and after entering and leaving a public place or touching an item or surfaces that may be frequently touched by other people (e.g. door handles, tables, shopping carts, screens).

In order to give everyone the opportunity to disinfect their hands there will be hand sanitizers almost everywhere: at the airport, train station, hotels, workshops, restrooms, restaurant, delegate rooms etc. Mobile hand sanitizerswill be available at entrances, in foyers, in front of escalators and in front of congress halls. Due to the risk of smear infection, surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Workshop Managers will take care especially of the Food & Beverage stations. Doors will remain open during the entire event if possible The cleaning and disinfection of the toilet facilities will be carried out at a significantly increased frequency.

Keep physical interactions with others to a minimum. Avoid physical contact, including hugs and handshakes. Keep at least two metres distance from Competitors and at least one metre from others, including in operational spaces.

The use of KN95/FFP2 masks (CE certificated) is recommended in all public areas without exception (i.e. places in which you can get in contact with people outside the group of accredited people just as walkways in halls or tents, hotels, restaurants, public transport, taxis etc.). Please make sure that every team member has a mask for the transport after arrival.

Regularly aerating or ventilating the rooms and halls in operation (congress rooms, meeting rooms, etc.) will be guaranteed. This happens through automatic ventilation systems or by regularly opening windows and doors.

Regular testing will be a crucial part of minimising the risk of infection transmission. The 3-G-Rule applies.
All visitors must be either vaccinated, tested or recovered.
Tests apply as follows:
Antigen tests: 24h
PCR tests: 72h

All participants must be either vaccinated, tested or recovered.
Vaccinated: additional antigen test every 48h
Recovered: additional antigen test every 48h
Antigen test: valid for 24h
PCR test: valid for 72h
All information regarding vaccination certificates can be found at the following link:

Take a test approved by the Government of Austria within 72 hours of the departure time of your flight to Austria. If you are vaccinated already, there is no need to take a test before arrival. Be ready to present your negative test result to the Austrian immigration authorities when you arrive in Austria. If your Covid-19 test is positive, immediately begin self-isolation in line with local rules.


Make sure to download the “Stopp Corona” App to your mobile phone before you travel to Graz. The App is available both at Google Play and App Store. Please note that we are providing regular updates on Covid-19 guidelines and legal regulations of the Austrian Federal Government. Data is safe and privacy is guaranteed.