As the first Austrian edition of EuroSkills, a unique event will take place in Graz in September 2021. Thousands of visitors are expected, who will be able to watch the young professionals at work. The national and international media interest in the
European Skills Championships is, as experience shows, very high. Those who cannot be there themselves can look forward to extensive and exciting reporting.
As the host country of EuroSkills 2021, Austria will be in the European spotlight in late summer. Our media partners will play an important role in spreading the message “We are Skills” not only throughout Austria, but also beyond its borders.
Together, we will be develop a cooperation package tailored to your medium for successful and informative coverage of EuroSkills 2021.
Media partners will gain many benefits from a cooperation with EuroSkills 2021:
- Exclusive news coverage
- Strengthening of the brand and image transfer
- Strengthening of the brand especially within the target group (14-30 years)
- Extensive content, exclusive topics and interview subjects
- Access to companies, sponsors, partners, experts and partner companies
- On-site advertising
… and much more
Get in touch with us at [email protected].