
Erasmus+ – Skills for Europe, Skills for the World

24 September 2021, Online

The event takes place online via Zoom: Sign Up

Background of OeAD-Symposium:

Erasmus+ has been an innovation driver for European education for more than three decades. Erasmus+ also offers a suitable framework for the future to deal with current changes, to actively confront them and to discuss possible solutions.

Work and thus also education and training are subject to rapid change: Digitalization is advancing inexorably, services are gaining in importance, migration is generating opportunities and challenges, and the issue of the environment is increasingly coming to the fore.

People in Europe and around the world need access to comprehensive education and training and must be supported in learning the competencies and skills they need.
We explore the questions: To what extent can vocational education and training, in particular, be a pioneer in managing and guiding global change? What can Erasmus+ contribute to this?


Moderation: Michael Bauer-Leeb, Weitsicht OG

10:30 – 10:45 Welcome
Jakob Calice, OeAD

10.45 – 11.15 Voneinander Lernen. Persönliche & europäische Chancen und Herausforderungen für Bildung & Beruf
Michaela Marterer, Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft

11.15 – 11.35 Auslandsmobilität in der Lehrlingsausbildung – Ansatzpunkte zur Erhöhung der Teilnahmen aus Sicht der Berufsbildungsforschung
Kurt Schmid, ibw – Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft

11:35 – 12.05 Internationale Trends in der Berufsbildung und künftige Herausforderungen
Jörg Markowitsch, 3s Unternehmensberatung-GmbH

12:05 – 12:15 Das EU-Programm Erasmus+ 2021-2027
Ernst Gesslbauer, OeAD

12:15 Closing and Outlook

The event takes place online via Zoom: Sign Up