EuroSkills 2021 is not only one of the biggest, but definitely also one of the most awesome events to be staged in Graz in 2021. The European Skills Championships will be the platform where around 400 young professionals will compete for one of the coveted medals in around 45 different skills and trades. The competitors are either qualified young professionals or graduates from vocational secondary schools, all under 26 years of age. From 23 – 25 September 2021, the entire event location will simmer with excitement as the contests unfold. Visitors will be able to watch as young chefs conjure up culinary extravaganzas, welders make sparks fly – literally – and fashion experts give free rein to their creativity. The best skilled workers from 31 nations will showcase their skills and let visitors watch them as they work – free of charge, but very worthwhile.
And, best of all: all visitors, regardless of their age, can try their hand at the skills and trades right there at the competition venue. At the Try-a-Skill stations, visitors will be able to paint walls, repair engines and even control robots. This will provide young visitors with the unique opportunity to put their talent to the test in the special atmosphere of a European Skills Championships event, and discover new career paths for themselves.
Former world and European champions from the EuroSkills 2021 Heroes team will also be on hand to answer any questions the interested young audience members may have and explain their trades in more detail. What’s more, local companies will also be invited to share job opportunities in their field and make firm offers to interested job seekers.
EuroSkills 2021 is not only one of the biggest, but definitely also one of the most awesome events to be staged in Graz in 2021. The European Skills Championships will be the platform where around 450 young professionals will battle for one of the coveted medals in around 45 different skills and trades. The competitors are either qualified young professionals graduates from vocational secondary schools, all under 26 years of age. From 22-26 September, the entire event location will simmer with excitement as the contests unfold. Visitors will be able to watch as young chefs conjure up culinary extravaganzas, welders make sparks fly – literally – and fashion experts give free rein to their creativity. The best skilled workers from 31 nations will showcase their skills and let visitors watch them as they work – free of charge, but very worthwhile.
And, best of all: all visitors, regardless of their age, can try their hand at the skills and trades right there at the competition venue. At the Try-a-Skill stations, visitors will be able to paint walls, repair engines and even control robots. This will provide young visitors with the unique opportunity to put their talent to the test in the special atmosphere of a European Skills Championships event, and discover new career paths for themselves.
A Spotlight area will also be installed on sight, where many different topics will be presented during the event: new technologies, new training opportunities, appealing career opportunities, trends such as digitalisation, “business heroes” and much more from the world of skills and trades. Former world and European champions from the EuroSkills 2021 Heroes team will also be on hand to answer any questions the interested young audience members may have and explain their trades in more detail. What’s more, local companies will also be invited to share job opportunities in their field and make firm offers to interested job seekers.

Career guidance
extensive review of own talents, strengths and associated opportunities
presentation of a wide selection of trades and skills
motivation for creative skills and trades
motivation for new technical skills and trades
evaluation of career prospects
evaluation of shortage occupations
presentation of occupational developments / changes
integration of Austrian companies into the programme and support for recruitment
highlighting of career opportunities and motivation for young apprentices
School students from grades 5 to 9
high-school graduates
students at vocational (secondary) schools