EuroSkills 2021 Showtruck – Outdoor area Schwarzl Freizeitzentrum
EuroSkills 2021 is accompanied by a first-class specialist programme.
In addition to the competitions and the “Try a Skill” areas, our “Spotlights” invite visitors to experience various professions up close and personal, thus offering all visitors the opportunity to really immerse themselves in the world of certain skills.
Designed by representatives of our sponsors and of the various professions from all six occupational groups of the competitions, the show truck will regularly present a wide variety of topics during the event as part of the spotlights: new technologies, new training opportunities, attractive job profiles, trends such as digitalisation, heroes of the economy and much more.
© Lorenz Bölker

09:00 – 10:00 //
08 Steinmetz / Architectural Stonemasonry
Stein in Bewegung – gesamtösterreichischer Steinmetztag
11:00 // Try a Skill
10 Schweißen / Welding
“Kemppi – Try your welding skills”
11:45 // Try a Skill
15 Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik / Plumbing and Heating
“Wissen, wie’s geht!”
13:00 // Try a Skill
17 Web Development
39 Netzwerktechnik / ICT Specialists
“SIC-HEADSTARTERS | Mit Köpfchen zum Vorsprung”
13:45 //
Sponsor Würth “Leidenschaft fürs Handwerk”
15:00 – 15:45 //
Elisabeth Berghold – Silicon Alps
09:30 – 10:00 // Try a Skill
31 Mode Technologie / Fashion Technology
“Haute Couture Austria – die Bekleidungsgewerbe”
11:00 //
Stabila “So messen echte Profis!”
11:45 //
pHorn “HORN – Das Werkzeug”
13:00 // Try a Skill
12 Fliesenleger / Wall and Floor Tiling
“Und wofür brennst du?”
15:00 – 15:45 //
Elisabeth Berghold – Silicon Alps
09:30 // Try a Skill
29 Hair Stylist
Hairdressing “Karriere mit Schere”
10:15 //
10:30 – 10:45 //
Nicole Schmidthofer
11:00 // Try a Skill
20 Maurer / Bricklaying
Bricklaying “Frauenpower am Bau”
11:45 // Try a Skill
24 Möbeltischler / Cabinetmaking
25 Bautischler / Joinery
“Ihr Tischler macht’s persönlich”