Here you can find all important information for visitors, volunteers, member countries and media.

Visitor Information

We are already looking forward to EuroSkills 2021. In order to make the stay of the guests as exciting as possible, a visitor guide with all important information about the event and the host city has been compiled. For security reasons, visitors must also register in advance – the registration is of course free of charge and requires only a few clicks. For all questions concerning the visit, the most important answers are also available in the FAQ.
Visitor Registration

Several thousands of visitors are expected at EuroSkills 2021. A visit to the European Skills Championship is of course free of charge – but certainly not for nothing. In order to guarantee a smooth process for all guests, it is necessary to register in advance via an online tool before a visit. This only takes a few minutes and requires no personal data.
For school groups there is a separate registration form to make the visit with the whole class at EuroSkills 2021 as smooth as possible.
So register now!

Volunteers Information

For EuroSkills 2021, the support of around 600 volunteers is needed. Volunteers are part of our big skills family and will get the chance to be close to the action and meet cool people. No matter if it’s the setup of the event, the accreditation of visitors or behind the scenes in the EuroSkills Office – we need YOU!
In addition, there are regular volunteer hotspots where helpers can exchange ideas and get to know each other. You can find all the information about registration, areas of work and the most important dates in our Volunteers area.
Member Country Information

Member countries will find all information about their visit to the Styrian capital in our member countries section. In addition to the Visiting Delegations Guide, the information brochure with the packages is available for download here. Press representatives of the member countries must also be accredited to gain access to all relevant media areas.

Media Information

During EuroSkills 2021, the whole of Europe must be always up to date. We are already looking forward to welcoming numerous media representatives from different countries to Graz. In our media area, you will find basic information about EuroSkills 2021 and the registration link for media representatives.