Only a few more months until EuroSkills 2021 takes place in Graz, and we are already excited – not only us, but also all those involved and of course our partners.
To help you plan your stay, we have provided all the important information about the event and the host city of Graz here.
Of course we are still in the planning stage and can offer you ongoing updates.
We therefore recommend to visit our website regularly to be always up to date.

Austria – or more precisely the Styrian capital city Graz – will be transformed into a hotspot for young skilled workers for the first time: The European Skills Championships, EuroSkills 2021, will take place at the Messe Congress Graz and the “Schwarzl Freizeitzentrum”, a large area around a lake nearby the City of Graz.
On the first day of the competition (23.09.2021), the EuroSkills 2021 Congress with the Subject “Future of Skills” will be held.
You can expect top-class speakers and exciting discussions about the present and, above all, the future of vocational education and training and the vocational qualifications and skills needed in Europe. National and international representatives from politics, science and industry will be invited to discuss issues such as the rapid changes in the world of work
and challenges of vocational education and training and discuss possible strategies and solutions together.
The congress will be held in English.
You can look forward to receiving more detailed information on the programme and also on our top-class speakers soon.

Visiting Delegations Guide
All information about your stay in Graz can be found here in our Visiting Delegations Guide for download.
The surrounding Styrian regions of Graz are mostly in close proximity to the event location. Our incoming bureaus will gladly support you with your bookings. We strongly recommend a prompt booking of your required accommodation.
Individual travellers can use the online booking form.
Graz Tourismus & Stadtmarketing GmbH
For many years, the incoming Office of Graz Tourismus has been known as the perfect contact for hotel bookings and for programme design in Graz and the Graz Region..
Kontakt: [email protected]Incoming Büro – Spa Country Styria / East Styria: Aktiv Urlaub Steiermark
Aktiv Urlaub Steiermark is specialized on East Styria and the Spa Country Styria. They also have hotel contingents in Southern Styria and Slovenia (Maribor).
Kontakt: Marc Fauster | [email protected]
Incoming Büro – Southern Styria, Schilcherland, Lipizzanerheimat: CDM Incoming
Incoming specialist for southern and western Styria.
Hotel contingents are available for small groups and groups.
Kontakt: Frau Claudia Dunst-Mösenlechner | [email protected]Incoming Büro – Austria: Mondial Destination Management
Mondial Incoming is specialized on all of Austria.
We recommend this Incoming office for stays in the neighbouring states.
Kontakt: Herr Mag. Wolfgang Lackner | [email protected]Incoming Büro – Steiermark: EVENTS+
EVENTS+ offers Hotel contingents around Graz within a radius of up to 70km.
Convenient, due to the good connection to the motorway.WEBSITE
Kontakt: Ms. Brigitte Allesch | [email protected]