New work of art dedicated to EuroSkills 2020


EuroSkills 2020 has now also taken up residence visually on the sixth floor of the Styrian Economic Chamber – in the form of a very special work of art designed and commissioned by gold-medal coach Michael Tobisch. The artwork was completed by Matthias Fuchs, Reinhard Haas and Christoph Brugger, all graduates of the WIFI Business Academy’s master school of painting and decorating. They took up their brushes and transformed a wooden panel into something that will set the tone for EuroSkills 2020 in Austria. Styria features on the panel in the form of the Graz clock tower, the southern Styrian vineyards including a typical bird scarer, and not forgetting the Styrian heraldic emblem: the panther. Together they symbolise a milestone on the road to 2020.

Our Supervisory Board Chairman Josef Herk was present when the panel was delivered, and he was extremely impressed by the lovingly designed artwork. The next day, the Vice President of the Styrian Economic Chamber, Andreas Herz, also discovered the signpost to the home championships and congratulated the painters and decorators present and their coach Michael Tobisch, all full of the Skills spirit and dressed in blue We-are-Skills outfits, on their fabulous panel.

Josef Herk congratulated Michael Tobisch, and Matthias Fuchs – a graduate of the WIFI Business Academy’s master school for painting and decorating – on the first-class design.