Air Liquide contributes its expertise for the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Skill
One of the leading companies in gases, technologies and services for industry has now also become a EuroSkills 2020 sponsor. The French company, which also operates in Austria, will be making its products available to EuroSkills 2020 for competitors in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning skill category.
Whether in steel manufacture, food production in a controlled atmosphere, safe manufacture of pharmaceutical products or in other applications, it is highly likely that companies in these sectors rely on solutions by Air Liquide. Throughout Austria alone, the company has a total of 40,000 customers from the manufacturing industry, SMEs and the trade sector. So, why is Air Liquide now getting involved as a supplier for EuroSkills 2020, and thereby supporting the international skilled workers of the future? Sebastian Jureczek, managing director of Air Liquide Austria, said: “Air Liquide is known as a global leader in the field of technical gases and their applications. We are delighted to be supporting the projects of motivated young people with our products and innovations. We are impressed by the challenges that young people set themselves during their training and also by the opportunities that open up for them as a result. That’s why we take great pleasure in contributing to EuroSkills 2020 by providing technical equipment for the event.”
Many thanks to Air Liquide for their fantastic support. We are Skills!

Air Liquide supports as a new Supplier the skill Refrigeration and Air Conditioning with its products. Photo: courtesy of WorldSkills International.