Dustcontrol is now on board EuroSkills 2021 as a sponsor for the Skill Stonemasonry
Another supplier has just joined the ranks of EuroSkills 2021 sponsors. Dustcontrol, a company specialising in industrial extraction technology, is supporting the Stonemasonry skill with its products.
A clean production environment also helps to ensure a smoother overall production process. This is something that Dustcontrol is fully aware of, and since the company’s foundation in 1972 its focus has been on specialised industrial extraction solutions for keeping workplaces free from dust and dirt. Dustcontrol offers solutions with possible applications in many different industries, such as professional clean-room solutions for the pharmaceutical and electronics industries, portable dust extractors in different sizes for construction companies and rental parks, cleaner workplaces for the vehicle production industry, dust extraction systems for large newspaper printing plants, and extraction systems for use in stone processing and stone working. And it is in this last area that Dustcontrol’s products are to be used at EuroSkills 2021. In the Stonemasonry skill, dust extraction systems will keep the competitors’ working area free from the fine stone dust produced by working with the material.
Thomas Pfister, Country Manager of Dustcontrol Austria, explains why the company is supporting EuroSkills 2021: “Young, skilled workers from many different occupations bring their talent and commitment to EuroSkills to compete with other young professionals at European level. The best skilled workers are chosen during the international contest. This is a big opportunity for young people. Dustcontrol is providing EuroSkills with extraction solutions for stonemasonry so that the air around the workplaces remains clean and dust-free. Young, talented workers deserve encouragement. That’s why we are delighted to be supporting EuroSkills 2021.”
A big thank you to Dustcontrol for their fabulous assistance – EuroSkills 2021 is delighted to welcome yet another company to the Skills Family. We are Skills!
Photos gallery: photo 1 & 2: Dustcontrol; photo 3: Marija Kanizaj.

Professional extraction solutions for industry and trade are the speciality of Dustcontrol. Photo: Dustcontrol.