EuroSkills 2020 team: joining forces for 2020

The European skills championships is approaching. Excitement is growing, and the list of tasks is getting longer as September 2020 draws near. The EuroSkills 2020 team has now grown to 15 members, and all of them share a single goal: to make the European skills championships an unforgettable event for everyone! To reach this goal, we need more than just a lot of team members; we need a strong team that can work together successfully. That is why the team went on a one-and-a-half day retreat in southern Styria. Together they prepared the next steps in the run-up to the Competition Preparation Meeting (CPM) in March 2020, and worked on the big event next autumn.

Josef Herk and Karl-Heinz Dernoscheg, members of the EuroSkills 2020 Supervisory Board, opened the meeting with some motivating and generous words. On the agenda: decisions concerning the most important issues, teambuilding, and identifying potential synergies. The team also set the next few project milestones and defined the corresponding interfaces within the teams. After hard work and lively discussions, the team returned to Graz with a number of suggestions for improvements, new shared goals and, above all, a great deal of inspiration.

EuroSkills 2020-Team at work