Hotel Receptioning welcomes GASTROdat as a supporter


GASTROdat joined EuroSkills 2020 as a new bronze sponsor earlier this year. The company is supporting the event with its expertise in the Hotel Receptioning category.

A one-stop shop for hotel management – this is what the Salzburg-based company GASTROdat offers with its hotel and catering software. GASTROdat products enable you to stay on top of your organisation at all times, covering everything from booking processes and emails to accounts, guest registers and other administrative details. Competitors in the Hotel Receptioning skill category will therefore be using this company’s software at EuroSkills 2020 to help them complete both front-office and back-office tasks in their contest.

Alois Schrattnecker, Commercial Director of GASTROdat, explains why the company is involved with EuroSkills 2020 and has become a new bronze sponsor for the Hotel Receptioning category: “Community involvement is important to us. EuroSkills 2020 offers a special opportunity to showcase the effectiveness of vocational training at international level. As a bronze sponsor, GASTROdat supports the specialist training of young people with a view to the future. Our goal is to provide young people during their training with the opportunity to extend their professional expertise even further by consistently focusing on the digital working environment of the future – with the help of our software.

EuroSkills would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to GASTROdat for their fantastic support. We are Skills!

In Skill Hotel Receptioning, support comes from the new bronze sponsor GASTROdat with hotel software “made in Austria”. Photo: courtesy of WorldSkills International.