KEMPERbeats personalises your workplace

Welding while listening to music – does it work? Of course it does, thanks to an innovative idea by KEMPER. KEMPERbeats is part of a welding fume extraction hood with integrated Bluetooth speakers designed to make work as pleasant and as personalised as possible for its users.

Welders used to come to work in the morning, get themselves a cup of coffee, go to their workplace, start welding and – in some cases – only then realise that the extraction was not yet working. The idea behind KEMPERbeats is to help them to redefine the priorities. In future, welders will begin by turning on the extraction, connect their end devices, select the first tune and then start working. This will also effectively help to promote workplace safety. As a further advantage, numerous studies show that employees who feel happy in their working environment are far more productive. With future generations of welders in mind, it will become even more important to send out a clear signal to employees that we care about them and have their best interests at heart.

Looking after employees and providing them with the best equipment is also why KEMPER has become a sponsor for EuroSkills 2020, and in doing so is also supporting young, skilled workers. “We want to equip the competitors with the best tools”, explains Frederic Lanz, managing director of KEMPER GmbH. “KEMPER offers top innovative solutions, a cool image, clever ideas and clean air. And so promoting young people, and especially young craftspersons, improving their everyday working conditions and surprising them again and again with cool ideas, was simply as natural to us as breathing.”

We should like to thank KEMPER for their fantastic support, and we look forward to working with them!

And, what’s more, the KEMPERbeats motto is #safeandsound. That’s why the company has started a fundraising campaign for the organisation “Deutsche Stiftung für junge Erwachsene mit Krebs” (German foundation for young adults suffering from cancer) on its Instagram channel. Details can be found on Instagram @kemper_eu.

KEMPERbeats transform the workplace into a personal comfort zone with your favourite music. Photos: KEMPER.