MUREXIN GmbH supports the Wall and Floor Tiling skills category
A new supporter for the skill of Wall and Floor Tiling joined EuroSkills 2020 this year: MUREXIN, from the town of Wiener Neustadt.
Apart from tiles, competitors in the Wall and Floor Tiling also need other materials such as primers, adhesives, grouting and sealants so that they can showcase their abilities by producing impressive work before an audience at EuroSkills 2020. These materials will come from the new EuroSkills 2020 supplier, MUREXIN GmbH, a company based in the town of Wiener Neustadt.
Bernhard Mucherl, managing director of the traditional Austrian company, explains the decision to support the European Skills Championships in Graz: “EuroSkills is an extraordinary platform where Austria’s best young, skilled workers can showcase their abilities. As an Austrian producer of construction chemicals, we take great pleasure in supporting this event. Young, talented people from all over Europe will be presenting their skills as they compete with each other at the European Skills Championships, and in doing so will emphasise the value of sound education and training in keeping companies and national economies going and strengthening their competitiveness in the long run. My personal hope is that EuroSkills in Graz will create more public awareness of the importance of skilled workers, so that they will at long last receive the recognition they deserve. We at MUREXIN GmbH can now look back on more than 150 years of success as a company – something that would never have been possible without our skilled workers.”
We would like to take this opportunity to thank MUREXIN once again for their support. We are Skills!

As a new Supplier, the Austrian company MUREXIN supports the Skill Wall and Floor Tiling at EuroSkills 2020 with various products and materials. Photo: courtesy of WorldSkills International.