On the road to EuroSkills 2020: General Assembly in Riga
This year’s annual WorldSkills Europe General Assembly called the delegates to convene in the Baltic region. Riga in Latvia was the host city for the event, which lasted three days. Delegates invited from a total of 30 WorldSkills Europe member countries focused on how to prepare the EuroSkills competitions for the future.
The event started on Wednesday 5th June with everyone attending a “Board Lunch”, before rolling up their sleeves and getting down to work. Two board meetings followed later that day, both stressing the need for cooperation between national educational institutions and their respective governments.
The Assembly was officially opened the next day, and the meetings by the various committees to discuss issues relating to the competitions, marketing and communication, and strategy continued into the evening. Our two managing directors, Angelika Ledineg and Harald del Negro, attended the various sessions in order to present the current status of the preparations in the individual areas in person, and to answer questions from delegates of the member countries. The managing directors also took the opportunity to introduce the packages available for the Competition Preparation Meeting (16 to 19 March 2020) and to explain the registration process. Our project assistant, Sonja Piro, was also on hand during this three-day event to provide delegates with information about the hotels and packages and to receive their initial feedback and requests with regard to the CPM in 2020.
On the final day, the entire morning was taken up with the official General Assembly. Our managing directors again had the opportunity to present the EuroSkills 2020 project and all important details to the delegates, and to answer any questions.
We would like to thank our hosts in Riga for the hospitality extended to us and for making our time there so enjoyable.

From left to right: Stefan Praschl (Vice President WorldSkills Europe), Sonja Piro (EuroSkills-2020 Project Assistant), Dita Traidas (President WorldSkills Europe), Angelika Ledineg (Managing Director EuroSkills 2020) and Harald del Negro (Managing Director EuroSkills 2020).