HP1 Entrepreneurship / Business Development Team Challenge

This competition is held as a team competition (two participants each).

Entrepreneurship could be for you if you like:

  • Being creative
  • Solving complex problems
  • Working as a team
  • Using computers

More about this skill:

An entrepreneur is someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced. Entrepreneurs are normally self-employed, although they may also be employed by a company, then they are called intrapreneurs. An intrapreneur is an inside entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur within a firm, who uses entrepreneurial skills without incurring the risks associated with those activities. Intrapreneurs are usually employees within a company who are assigned a special idea or project, and are instructed to develop the project like an entrepreneur. The intrapreneur’s main job is to turn that special idea or project into a profitable venture for the company. A business developer is concerned with the analytical preparation of potential growth opportunities of a company as well as the subsequent support and monitoring of its implementation. The technical skills involved for all fields mentioned above are the design and evaluation of a business plan including aspects like the financials, the company structure, the target group etc. as well as the real start-up and further development of a company.

The entrepreneur/intrapreneur/business developer may work in several sectors depending on the business idea and the field the company has been founded in. The entrepreneur’s time is split between his/her office, the production facilities in case the business idea involves the construction of a proto- type or the development of products, the offices of external partners (e.g. accountants, technicians) and meetings with other institutions (e.g. banks, business incubators). A business developer mostly works in the premises of the company he/she is involved in at the moment and also has to conduct meetings with bank managers, accountants, tax offices etc.

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