Würth supports EuroSkills 2021 as a diamond sponsor
Our “thank you” today goes to our diamond sponsor Würth, who was one of the first sponsors to be on board for EuroSkills 2021 and continues to actively support the European Vocational Championships.
Commenting on the engagement of Würth, which mainly provides tools and workshop equipments for EuroSkills 2021, Managing Director Willi Trumler says: “When I think of the history of the company, I see Reinhold Würth, who personally visited our craft customers from the very beginning. This passion for craftsmanship continues to shape every single day of our work today. Our heart beats for the skilled trades and thus also for the promotion of young talent.
As a sponsor of EuroSkills 2021, we are sending a clear signal for the future of the skilled crafts. Together, we want to help put the crafts in the spotlight and attract young people to attractive apprenticeships. Solid training in a skilled trade offers many opportunities for the future and it is impressive to see the top performances of the young skilled workers in the competitions.”
We would like to thank Würth once again for their great and long-lasting support!
Photos gallery:
From left to right: photo 1 (c) WÜRTH; photo 2 (c) WÜRTH; photo 3 (c) Marija Kanizaj.
Please note that these photos were taken before the outbreak of COVID-19.

In addition to EuroSkills, Würth has also been supporting the AustrianSkills for many years with assembly and fastening materials, tools and workshop equipment. Photo (c) WÜRTH.